Monday, April 18, 2005

How does one decide what to name a blog?

I've been thinking of writing a book. One on longterm marriage - mine, actually. The trouble with writing a book is that one should have something to say that others would care to read, you know? I think that if the title can catch your interest then maybe, just maybe, you'd be pulled into the first few pages. And if you're still with me after a few pages, maybe I could get you to stay for a couple of chapters.
Or not.
Anyway, I decided to name this blog what I think I'm going to name my book should it ever need a name. And
I'm going to use this blog as a sort of "practice" book. I guess that means that if you're reading this that you'll be the practice audience.
Who knows, maybe this almost-50-year-old-forever-married-woman will find a creative outlet that turns into a lucrative career. I think I only have one book in me anyway. I know I only have one title and I named my blog with that....